Green Arc Leisure Makes Their Workforce Climate Positive

Green Arc Leisure CPW

Green Arc Leisure has partnered with Play it Green to make their workforce Climate Positive, helping to repair the planet and further their drive to Net-Zero.


Green Arc Leisure are holiday & leisure park development specialists with an eco edge. Their team have first-hand experience in all aspects of creating, building and managing successful holiday park enterprises gained from over a decade specialising in leisure, construction and park operations.


Through their partnership with Play it Green, Green Arc will now make an immediate environmental and social impact through the trees they plant, all whilst being provided with the weekly tips and tools to lower their carbon footprint and accelerate their journey to net-zero. 


Enough trees are planted every month to more than rebalance the carbon footprint of their staff’s personal lives and all their work-related travel. This helps lift vulnerable people out of poverty, as they are employed not only to plant but to care for the trees as they grow in developing areas of the world. 

Director of Green Arc Leisure, Joanne Green, noted, “We joined Play It Green because we believe that by working together, we can make a difference and help to preserve our planet for future generations. Green Arc Leisure is committed to a healthy, safe, and sustainable future, and we want to inspire the leisure industry, holiday home owners, and holidaymakers to join us in our environmental efforts.”

Make Your Workforce Climate Positive

Plant trees to repair the planet, be supported in your journey to Net Zero, and give back to a good cause of your choice

Richard Dickson, Co-Founder of Play it Green, added, “I first met Joanne and Bernie, the Founders of Green Arc Leisure late last year at the Holiday Park Expo in Birmingham and was impressed by their drive to, like Play It Green, create sustainability within the holiday park industry. Our businesses are very aligned, and I am really pleased that they have joined the Play It Green business community by making their workforce Climate Positive.”

Green Arc are already passionate about promoting sustainability in their sector and strive to reduce their own carbon footprint through the use of considered materials and processes.


Now, as part of the new partnership with Play it Green, the management team and workforce will receive a weekly sustainability tip and related discount on a product to help drive behaviour change, enhance the culture, and lower their carbon footprint.


The weekly correspondence includes sustainability articles to ensure members not only become more climate aware but more aware of the solutions available to make progress in this area.


Through Play it Green’s unique three-step solution to climate change, Repair, Reduce, Regive, a tenth of all revenues also go to a good cause of the member’s choice. Green Arc Leisure has chosen to support Sea Shepherd UK, protecting marine wildlife and ecosystems around the UK’s, and the world’s, coastlines.


Green Arc will review the nine key programme areas in Play it Green’s Net Zero Framework, free to access for all of our business members to help them drive down their footprint even further.


All the trees are guaranteed to be planted and can be tracked by the public through the Green Arc Forest Garden.

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