Be the Climate Solution
Our aim is to reduce the carbon footprints of people & businesses whilst ensuring they make an environmental & social impact on the way to net-zero
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Our Unique 3 Step Solution to Climate Change

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Rebalance your footprint by planting trees

10% of all revenues go to a good cause of your choice

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Special Offer to Business

Climate Positive Workforce​

Rebalance employee footprints, educate staff on sustainability & create positive culture change

Climate Positive Product

Add trees to products, services, bookings and events to help make a positive impact on the planet and your business

Climate Positive Company

Provide Footprint Reports, a net zero framework & everything you need for your business journey to Net Zero

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Our tree partner

Our tree planting partner Eden Reforestation Projects replenishes the ecosystem and reduces poverty by planting trees which create jobs where they are needed most.

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For every £5 subscription we purchase the planting of 13 trees in Madagascar through Eden Reforestation, pay ‘Stripe’ for the online payment process , cover bank fees with ‘Starling’, pay for how we got to the point of sale i.e. admin, website and marketing, and finally pass 50p (10%) to the nominated good cause.  We publish all purchase receipts as we aim to be one of the most open businesses ever!


For every 50p purchase on forest gardens, we cover all the same costs as a subscription but this time it is 1 tree and 5p (10%) to your chosen good cause. 


If you research the market most tree planting businesses will do 1 tree for £1 (or 1 Euro) and not pass on 10% to a good cause, quite simply their profit margins are much bigger. Our numbers still stack up to ensure the business will be a success however our goal is do more good in this world.    

It will make you feel better and you will know you are having a reduced impact on the planet as well as helping repair it!


We all enjoy nature programmes and doing our bit for the planet in terms of recycling and using bags for life etc. but we know this isn’t enough anymore as CO2 levels rise and climate change continues to effect life across the planet. By joining Play It Green you are taking your next step towards a more sustainable future.  


A £5 monthly subscription (£60 a year) will more than balance your carbon footprint through the planting of 156 trees (over their lifetime), making you climate positive.


You will educate yourself through our content on how to lower your carbon footprint and be presented with discounts to sustainable products to make behavioural change easier.


The forest garden features dynamic website and e mail badges, will help you showcase your good work to others and engage them into doing more.


Finally with all you give and get others to give we will pass 10% onto your nominated good cause, as climate change causes societal issues. 


For a full list of benefits click on what market you represent here: Individuals and Families, Business, Education and Professional Sports Organisations. 

Yes. £5 will will make you climate positive however if you are a heavy traveller then you may require a higher subscription. 


£5 per month, plants 13 trees per month which more than balance the average carbon footprint for a person living in the UK and therefore you can classify yourself as being climate positive. 


Carbon Dioxide (CO2) represents 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions which are the cause of global warming and climate change. 


One tree absorbs on average 22KG of CO2 per year or 1 Tonne over its useful lifetime year, therefore tree planting can be used to offset any carbon footprint left by a person, business, event or product.

(European Environmental Agency)

  • We use averages as tree sequestration rates vary due to the type, age and location (climate, altitude) of the tree
  • 156 trees per year will absorb more Carbon than you produce in a year (in their lifetime) and help restore lost ecosystems, providing homes for flora and fauna and help restore the climate to what it was.

Play It Green aim to plant 50,000,000 trees within 5 years of launch.  

No but it will help.


Just planting trees WILL NO LONGER BE ENOUGH to stop climate change.


By planting trees, we are lengthening the time we have left before the damage from climate change is irreversible.


Stopping climate change is a complex jigsaw that involves solutions from governments, industry, businesses and individuals.

Play it Green represents a few pieces on this jigsaw as we aim to offset and lower carbon footprints through tree planting, creating behaviour change and creating a more sustainable society.  


Play It Green have teamed up with sustainability experts to provide products, brands and services to educate and empower you to reduce your carbon footprint.


Not only that but we will use the profit we generate to invest in sustainable innovation to find new solutions to make our future certain.


We can’t do it alone, but together as one global community, we can stop climate change!

You can choose the subscription that is right for your lifestyle, but included in each subscription is:


Trees planted every month to more than balance your footprint and create an economy for aid reliant communities.


Access to sustainable products and choices to reduce your footprint (and save money).


Education on how to reduce your footprint even more.


A donation to a good cause of your choice.


An online ‘Forest Garden’ to show your impact.


Social media tools to promote your good work.


Rewards for achieving offset and reduction targets.

Our tree planting partner ‘Eden Reforestation Project’ is the world’s biggest and most trusted tree planting and biodiversity restoration organisation. 


The Eden Project are synonymous with secure and accurate planting reports and are trusted by many global brands. 


They have already planted over 600 million trees across 8 countries and work directly with local aid reliant communities paying them to grow, plant and protect your trees.


We publish all purchase receipts with the Eden Project to show we are delivering upon our promise and will provide regular updates on the tree planting sites to ensure you know how much of a difference you are making. 


We want you to be secure in the knowledge your trees are being planted and you and the trees are making a difference. 

In short, we are neither as the management team decided these models didn’t fit our vision for the business. 


Play It Green puts purpose before profit, but profit is necessary to gain investment to help us to scale and make our impact global. In order to acquire this investment and do more good, Play It Green was set up as a UK limited company. 


Regardless of the type of business we are, we will operate to our vision and values. We will publish all purchase receipts, minutes of management team meetings and comprehensive annual reports on finances and impact. We will be customer led and totally open in what we do as trust is paramount!


A percentage of annual profits will also be invested into sustainable research and tech solutions. 

A forest garden is the term given to the bespoke webpage everybody receives after signing up. This is your very own page which you can personalise, upload photos to and share with others. 


Every Forest Garden shows the number of trees you have planted and resulting CO2 impact. It has tools to share, campaign and download to help you plant more trees, do good and make a bigger difference.


Forest Gardens allow you to start a campaign e.g. for your birthday, or in memory of a loved one or simply to reach a tree planting target, and this gives you an excuse to share your garden with others and get people to buy a tree (1 tree for 50p) to support your campaign. Every campaign also has a cool leader-board feature which highlights who has supported your campaign the most.  


Forest Gardens help towards your enjoyment by giving you the ability to showcase your impact and engage others. By doing so you make a bigger impact! 


We also wish to make it as easy as possible Forest Gardens allow you to download support packs for Business, sports and  schools, plus lots of social media features. 

We will continually look to evolve the Forest Garden experience by listening to your needs and having regular feature updates. 

No, you don’t have to subscribe. 


Anyone can sign up for free and receive their own forest garden. Simply hit the sign up button and it will give you the option not to subscribe. 


We envisage schools and sports clubs will sign up for free and use our service and support packs to help fundraise and take action against climate change. 


We say 10% of all revenues raised go towards a “good cause” rather than “charity” because for schools and sports clubs the 10% could be them i.e. used for new books and equipment etc. So sports clubs and schools may sign up to use this as fundraising initiative as well as environmental reasons. 

We publish all our purchase orders and receipts for trees planted with our planting partner and they undergo regular audits which we publish links to as they become available.


The fact that our tree planting partner is trusted by global brands and like us is a member of the United Nations Trillion Tree Campaign, speaks for itself.


The trees are also planted with Gold Standard Accreditation meaning they are monitored and protected in perpituity.

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sustainable future.

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