Ecoegg is Making Laundry ‘Cleaner’ with Play it Green

Ecoegg, an environmentally friendly laundry company, has doubled down on their sustainability efforts and created a Climate Positive Workforce through Play It Green.


Ecoegg will now plant enough trees every month to more than rebalance the carbon footprint of its staff’s personal lives and all their work-related travel. A tenth of all Play It Green revenues also go to good causes and Ecoegg will be supporting wildlife around the globe through WWF.

Ecoegg’s entire workforce will receive a weekly sustainability tip relating discount to a product to help drive behaviour change, enhance the culture, and lower their carbon footprint


The weekly correspondence also includes sustainability articles to ensure members not only become more climate aware but more aware of the solutions available to make progress in this area.


As with all Play it Green business members, Ecoegg will also be given access to our Net Zero Framework, allowing them to review and take action in 9 key programme areas.

Simon Weavers, Sales Director at Ecoegg, said “Our Ecoegg Laundry Egg has helped to eliminate over one million single use plastic bottles since January 2021. We are so pleased to be part of Play It Green by planting trees and supporting WWF to further our positive impact on the planet.”


Richard Dickson, Founder, Play it Green said “I first spoke to Simon when investigating how to be more sustainable when it came to laundry, having seen the huge impact plastic and detergents have on the environment.


“Simon signed up to Play It Green personally right away and now we are celebrating Ecoegg having a Climate Positive Workforce with Play It Green. Ecoegg offer a fantastic way to reduce your impact so they fit right in as a collaborative partner with Play It Green!”


All the trees Ecoegg plants will be tracked through their Forest Garden page which is available to the public and guaranteed to be planted.

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