Compost Your Way to Sustainability: Weekly Tip 50

Eco-friendly products are everywhere these days, and if you want to buy green, you don’t have to look too far.


Yet, at its heart, sustainability is about buying less, producing less, and finding ways to reuse everything as much as you can. For this reason, home composting may just be one of the most sustainable things you can do.


Don’t get put off immediately! You, like many others, might have some preconceptions about what composting entails: bugs, smell, and a lot of maintenance. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. But before we get into that, let’s go back to the basics.


Composting is a natural process that decomposes kitchen and garden waste (i.e. ‘organic’ wastes) into a nutrient-rich fertiliser for your garden.


In very simple terms, it speeds up how quickly things decay, resulting in a wonderful substance that feeds the soil and makes our plants stronger. And there are tonnes of different types of waste that can be put in!


This includes kitchen scraps, used tissues, scrap paper and cardboard, sawdust, garden scraps and more. Even the smallest of gardens can find room for a compost container, and if that’s not available to you, why not see if there’s one in your local community?

You may be thinking, why bother at all since you can recycle your food waste anyway, so surely doing it at home can’t make that much of an impact?


Well, a whopping one-third of the waste currently being sent to U.K. landfills is actually biodegradable and could be composted. This is an issue because when they decay, they release methane, a gas 26 times more potent than carbon dioxide.


If enough people were composting at home, we could have a massive impact on the waste we produce every year and, on top of that, you’re completely avoiding the emissions that would be released from transporting the waste, sometimes halfway across the world.


Overall, composting can reduce landfill waste, reduce greenhouse gases, improve air quality, create healthy soil, and increase biodiversity in the area. That’s not even mentioning the wonders it can do for the other plants in your garden.


Still, the amount of work involved (or, more likely, the smell) might be putting you off. That’s why we’d like to introduce you to Subpod.

How Subpod Works

The Subpod is an incredibly efficient and innovative food-waste fighting underground pod. It has a ‘3 in 1’ design, meaning it’s a compost system, a worm farm, and a seat for your garden!


The compost system truly designed for those who love simplicity; it contains instructions on the lid, is smell-free, mess-free, and can be maintained in just 5 minutes a week. With it, you could compost up to 20kg a week of food waste!


As a company, Subpod advocates the circular economy, facilitating a closed-loop system for food waste, keeping it out of landfills, minimising its greenhouse impact, and using that waste to create more food.


If you’re interested in giving it a try, you can shop here and get 10% off with the code PLAYITGREEN10.


If you do choose to buy, another 10% will be used by us to plant trees, helping you make an even greater impact. What are you waiting for?

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