Buzzin Sounds Makes A Sustainable Change with Play It Green

Buzzin’ Sounds Studio has partnered with Play It Green to make their workforce climate positive, drive sustainability within their business, and make an even greater positive environmental and social impact.


We recently met up with Aaron Fletcher their founder to find out more about Buzzin’ Sounds, why they joined Play It Green and what the future holds for this up-and-coming sound studio!

Please, tell us a little about Buzzin' Sounds Studio.

Buzzin’ Sounds is a recording studio first and foremost but we really support and facilitate the creation of most forms of audio.


We’ve grown a lot over the past 3 years from being a simple recording studio to offering podcast & VoiceOver recordings, career support for musicians, podcast production, live events & equipment hire and now we’re producing our own content.


I like to think that we essentially facilitate quality audio creation, as well as supporting our creatives to deliver the best possible quality and move forward in their careers.


We’re all about quality audio but we’re also all about personal and professional growth. I want everyone who walks through my doors to leave a better musician/podcaster/creator and, if possible, a better person.

Aaron, Founder of Buzzin' Sounds at the recording desk

Why is sustainability important to you?

I’ve grown quite fond of our planet throughout my lifetime, to be perfectly honest with you.


We are all aware of the fact our current model of living is doing more harm than good to ol’ mother earth and if we’re not careful, things could be very bad in years to come.


I’ve found myself, however, in an industry where some people like to say they care but nobody seems willing to do anything about it.


The audio industry is so far behind industry-wide and it’s not being spoken about.


So while it’s important to me for the simple fact that I’m aware of the repercussions of not being sustainable – but it frustrates me that at times it feels like those around us love to mention it but no one’s willing to actually do anything.

Aaron, Founder of Buzzin' Sounds with the Lord Mayor

Why did you join Play It Green?

As I mentioned RE the audio industry, it’s far behind everyone else but there are some things being done (look at ABBA’s hologram gigs & C*ldplay’s eco-tours).


However, unless you’ve got multi-millions to spend – what can we really do?


It’s hard to feel like we can make an impact when we can’t exactly afford to rip out our whole business and start again.


Recycling isn’t enough, right?


Well, Play It Green has offered us a way to work towards being greener and greener without breaking the bank at all.


I don’t feel like I’m pulling my hair out in a desperate attempt to try to be green anymore, as I can constantly improve and do things that make an impact that don’t require me to be a multi-millionaire.


We also appreciate the supportive and helpful nature of Play It Green.


They aren’t preachy or in your face, it feels like they’re right behind you cheering you on.

Samina in the booth recording a voice-over.

What does the future hold for Buzzin sounds?

We’re always looking to grow.


We’re hoping that by this time next year we’ll have new space and be able to offer bigger and better services and support more and more individuals.


Without wanting to sound arrogant, I want Buzzin’ Sounds to be a place that’s seen as a centre of excellence for audio in Manchester and we’re working towards being exactly that.


But we’ve grown a lot over the past 12-24 months and the world is a very crazy place right now.


At this moment in time, we’re just happy to still have our own business and we’ll be working to make sure that’s the case in 12-24 months.

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