Automedi Amplifies Climate Positivity with Play it Green

sunlight shining through trees in forest, image of automedi and play it green logos next to each other in front

Automedi has partnered with Play it Green to amplify climate positivity in their organisation, engage their Climate Positive workforce, and do even more to help repair the planet.


Automedi is the world’s first decentralised circular microeconomy converting plastic waste into community products at the point of use. This is done by combining decentralised additive manufacturing, in-house recycling, fleet management, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and intuitive user experiences for rapid circular productivity.


Through their partnership with Play it Green, Automedi will now be provided with the weekly tips and tools to add to their carbon reduction portfolio and accelerate staff onboarding. Helping nurture a climate-positive community, while also making an immediate environmental and social impact through the trees they plant.


Enough trees are planted every month to more than rebalance the carbon footprint of their staff’s personal lives and all work-related travel. This helps lift vulnerable people out of poverty, as they are employed not only to plant but to care for the trees as they grow in developing areas of the world.

Ethar Alali, the Managing Director of Automedi, said on the partnership:


“For us, Net Zero isn’t enough. We start there. To live on the cutting edge of sustainable innovation means balancing dozens of small risks. So we have sought a diverse portfolio of action that can be drawn upon at local, national, and international levels to deliver social value and climate action in all our operations.


As a Circular Economy, Automedi has been built from the ground up to far exceed the Net Zero targets. We have partnered with a number of organisations since our inception and our team have been pivotal in developing the original sustainability targets for the bodies driving Net Zero campaigns across the globe. Central to that are our Science-Based Targets, which have been modelled on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and stand unique to every other organisation.


Joining Play It Green adds awareness and collaboration opportunities as well as delivers a small part of our social value strategy. We see their offer as a great addition to that portfolio of activities that help amplify our own impact.”

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Join the movement of businesses reducing their footprint, repairing the planet, and giving back to a good cause of their choice.

Co-Founder of Play it Green, Richard Dickson, added:


“I firmly believe that innovation will help us deal with the climate issues we face and what Automedi does is simply amazing. Add to that the fact that their founder Ethar is a lovely person who genuinely wants to help people and businesses in their sustainable journey and you are on to a winner!”

As part of the new partnership with Play it Green, the management team and workforce will receive a weekly sustainability tip and related discount on a product to help drive behaviour change, enhance the culture, and lower their carbon footprint.


The weekly correspondence includes sustainability articles to ensure members not only become more climate aware but more aware of the solutions available to make progress in this area.


Through Play it Green’s unique three-step solution to climate change, Reduce, Repair, Regive, a tenth of all revenues also go to a good cause of the member’s choice. Automedi has chosen to support Sea Shepherd UK, protecting marine life and ecosystems around the world’s coasts.


Automedi will review the nine key programme areas in Play it Green’s Net Zero Framework, free to access for all of our business members to help them drive down their footprint even further.


All the trees are guaranteed to be planted and can be tracked by the public through the Circle Acres Forest Garden.

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