Asda removes plastic bags for fresh produce

The supermarket chain, ASDA has announced that plastic bags will be removed from all of its fresh produce aisles. According to the supermarket, this change should prevent more than 100 million pieces of plastic from being used by the store each year.


In September of last year, the supermarket began a trial of removing plastic bags from its fruit and vegetable aisles. The trial, which took place in nine stores across northern England, was a success.


Customers will now be given ‘Veggio’ bags instead of the usual plastic bags in Asda’s fresh produce aisles.


Veggio bags from Asda


Each bag will cost 30p and will be reusable. Veggio bags are an “affordable, reusable alternative” to single-use plastic, according to Asda. The bags are made from plastic water bottles that have been recycled. Asda said it sold an average of 30,000 bags per week during the trial in stores such as Harrogate, York, and Middleton.


Asda also announced that plastic punnets for pears would be phased out, saving an extra 170 tonnes of plastic per year. These efforts are part of the supermarket’s pledge to eliminate single-use plastic from its operations.


Since 2019, Asda has removed 9,000 tonnes of plastic from its own-brand goods, with the goal of removing three billion pieces of plastic by 2025.


“We know that our customers and colleagues are really passionate about doing the right thing for the environment, and this move is just another way we are helping them make sustainable choices, without compromising on the quality of our produce,” said Dominic Edwards, Asda’s Director of Produce. “We’re excited to roll out the removal of plastic bags across all of our stores, following some very positive feedback from our trial, as we continue to work towards our plastic reduction targets as a company.”


Asda is currently rolling out ‘Veggio’ bags in all of their UK stores – another step to a more sustainable future, well done Asda.


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