Amaris Group Invests in Play It Green

Play It Green announces significant six figure investment from Amaris Group Limited to help scale its tree planting and footprint reduction subscription services and initiatives.



Play It Green, who launched in Spring this year, help people and businesses to become more sustainable and for them to enjoy and benefit from that journey with a set of simple and cost-effective solutions. For a business they provide an opportunity to create a climate positive workforce, product, service, booking or company whilst supporting them on their sustainability journey. For individuals who wish to do more on the issue of climate change but find it too complicated, they allow people to take action for the same price as one cup of coffee a month.



Everyone who signs up to Play It Green receives their own personalised platform called a Forest Garden and at the core of the business is their three-step solution to climate change: offset, reduce and do good. Three important pieces in the complex hundred-piece jigsaw of helping reach net zero targets. An Individual or a company’s workforce can plant enough trees to offset their carbon footprint whist benefitting from receiving weekly sustainability tips and discounts on sustainable alternatives to help change their behaviours and lower their actual footprint. As climate change causes social issues, Play It Green uniquely pass on ten percent of all revenues to good causes, a refreshing change to business.



The investment provides growth capital for new customer contracts which will accelerate Play It Green’s connected growth strategy across Europe and the United States.



Chris Thair, Play It Green CEO, said “We are excited to take this next step in our company journey and to partner with the Amaris Group brings a wealth of additional benefits to the business. It allows us to accelerate our plans into markets such as professional sport, increase our profile and continue to highlight the importance of understanding our carbon impact personally and as a business, and how to take positive steps to help reduce it.”


Play It Green Co-founders Chris Thair (left) and Richard Dickson (Right). Photo by Jon Super

Scott Pickavance, Chief Operating Officer of Amaris Group Limited, added, “We are extremely pleased to be partnering with the founding management group at Play It Green. We believe that their carbon re-balancing proposition leveraging their interactive digital platform is an invaluable tool for individuals and organisations to drive towards a more sustainable future and increase engagement into the effects of climate change. The integration of Play It Green into our current investment portfolio businesses and future acquisitions is an exciting prospect for us at Amaris Group and we truly see Play It Green as an integral part of the group’s environmental and social strategy moving forward.”



The investment announced today means that in addition to supporting the company’s expansion, the additional capital enables the company to accelerate the implementation of its business plan, including new product development and to expand its commercial offering.



According to Thair, the investment in Play It Green comes at a time when the market demand for robust and reliable consumer and commercial footprint reduction technology solutions is growing at an accelerated rate.



“Our goal is simple,” he emphasised. “We are now observing solid, sustained momentum in footprint reduction adoption, and we want the company to be in a position of strength to seize upcoming opportunities that invests in our planets future like no other.”



Thair continued “Tree planting is critical to reducing CO2, the main greenhouse gas, in our atmosphere. By planting trees monthly, you are removing more CO2 from the atmosphere than you produce and at the same time supporting communities by creating jobs. By reducing your footprint through behaviour change and sustainable choices, it means you are doing more to help fight climate change, leaving a legacy and making a difference. Research shows everyone wants to do more than just recycle and now they can with Play It Green.”



About Play It Green

Play It Green provides a simple and cost-effective way for people, businesses, schools, and sports clubs to take the next step to a more sustainable future. Humanity faces a challenge never faced before, one that will have a negative impact on all life on earth. We all need to play our part; we all need to be the solution.



About Amaris Group

The Amaris Group is a “Green Tech” investment fund focusing in the areas of sustainability. They actively look for investment opportunities in businesses who want to bring a technology focused approach to addressing the world’s climate emergency. The businesses they invest in have to be Carbon Positive and have a real tangible effect on helping companies and consumers alike drive down carbon emissions and become more sustainable.


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