Bio-Bottles and Tiny Forests: Drinks Companies Helping The Planet

Sustainability is becoming a top priority for businesses in every industry. Today, we look at some of the ways drinks companies are doing more to protect the environment.

Fever-Tree and All Bar One Invest in Tiny Forests

Premium mixer brand Fever-Tree is partnering with All Bar One and environmental charity Earthwatch Europe to invest in more than 150 “Tiny Forests” in urban areas across the UK.


The goal is to help those living in urban areas reconnect with nature while supporting local wildlife. Given that urban areas are more likely to experience flooding, heat stress, and biodiversity loss, the three organisations hope the forests will improve climate resiliency.


On top of that, it will have social benefits as well. The UN estimates that roughly half of the world’s urban population cannot access a green space within walking distance of their home or workplace. This means that the initiative will directly improve health and wellbeing.


Fever-Tree has already planted London’s first Tiny Forest in Hammersmith Park near the organisation’s headquarters. This initiative is part of Earthwatch Europe’s broader aim of creating more than 3,000 Tiny Forest worldwide, cared for through local community support and forest maintenance.


According to the Climate Change Committee, the UK will need to plant at least 1.5 billion new trees by 2050 to meet Net Zero. While restoring, expanding and creating woodlands and forests will be necessary, urban tree-planting will also need to occur.

“Maintaining biodiversity has never been more important in the climate change conversation. Fever-Tree is proud to partner with All Bar One to further the Tiny Forest movement in the UK to create urban green spaces that support wildlife and connect communities closer with nature.”


James Archer, Head of Sustainability at Fever-Tree

Bio-Bottles To Reduce Carlsberg’s Footprint

In other news, Danish brewer Carlsberg recently unveiled plans to trail the performance of 8,00 bio-based bottles across Europe to reduce emissions and improve recyclability.


Carlsberg has been researching and developing the feasibility of these fully-recyclable fibre-based bottles since 2015. Working with Paboco, the outer bottle consists of sustainably sourced wood fibre, while the plant-based polymer lining was developed by Carlsberg’s partner Avantium.


After Carlsberg did a lifecycle assessment of the prototype bottles, they believe it can achieve a carbon footprint 80% lower than current single-use glass bottles. The bottles can also “degrade” naturally, should they fail to be placed into recycling systems. Sadly, the bottle cap is not bio-based but will still be fully recyclable.


It’s not just the bottle that will be sustainable. Carlsberg revealed that, in collaboration with barley malt supplier Soufflet, the barley has been cultivated using organic and regenerative agricultural practices. Cover crops were introduced in the barley fields to assist with regenerative farming processes.


In the future, Paboco and Carlsberg are exploring alternative fibre-based bottle caps, with a shareable solution expected in 2023. Carlsberg will also gain customer and consumer feedback on the bottles to inform the next version of the design.

“The progress made with our new Fibre Bottle is testament to Carlsberg’s pioneering spirit, with a focus on making better products in every sense of the word.


We’ve been working hard on this project since 2015 and aim to continue to set the industry standard by further improving the bottle’s environmental footprint and product performance. Collaboration is key and, together with our partners, we’re excited to see how research and development into sustainable packaging solutions is now becoming the norm.”


Simon Boas Hoffmeyer ,Group Sustainability Director at Carlsberg 

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Didsbury Gin and Their Climate Positive Workforce

Didsbury Gin are also making efforts to be more sustainable through their partnership with Play It Green.


Unlike many other fruit-flavoured gins, Didsbury Gins are created from 100% fruit sourced from British farms, smashed together with an irresistible blend of botanicals. But it’s not just the gin that’s sustainable; it’s the company too.


As part of Play It Green’s Climate Positive Workforce programme, Didsbury Gin are provided with the weekly tips and tools to lower their carbon footprint and accelerate their journey to net-zero whilst making an immediate environmental and social impact through the trees they plant.


Enough trees are planted every month to more than rebalance the carbon footprint of their staff’s personal lives and all their work-related travel. This helps lift vulnerable people out of poverty, as they are employed not only to plant but to care for the trees as they grow in developing areas of the world.


Through Play it Green’s unique three-step solution to climate change, Repair, Reduce, Regive, a tenth of all revenues go to a good cause of the member’s choice. Didsbury Gin has chosen to support Shelter in its campaign against homelessness.

“By joining Play it Green, Didsbury Gin are not only having an instant social and environmental impact through our tree planting, but we’re also taking steps to reduce our footprint together. We are excited to be working together and making a real change to help build a healthier and more sustainable future.”


Liam Manton, Co-Founder of Didsbury Gin

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